To the FIPA Home Page FIPA Security Technical Committee
Ad Hoc

1. Purpose

The objective of the Security Technical Committee is to lead research and development of security for multi-agent and multi-domain agent systems.

2. Organisation and Contacts


Stefan Poslad (Queen Mary University of London)

Chair Email



Stefan Poslad (Queen Mary University of London)


Monique Calisti (Whitestein), Patricia Charlton (Motorola)

Mailing List


External Web Site

3. Documents (latest versions)


[f-wp-00011A] Security Work Plan (Version A 2003-02-10)


[f-out-00065] FIPA Security Work Group Request For Information
(Version A 2001-06-28)

Additional documents, including slides and minutes of meetings are
available on the external FIPA security web-site:

4. Milestones


Working Group Milestones


Issue 1st Request for Information on agent security


Issue 2nd Request for Information on agent security


First draft of FIPA output document (white-paper) on security


Review 1st draft of security document


Review 2nd draft of security document, outline of new security work-plan


Completion of FIPA output document on security, completion of new security work-plan

5. Remit

Security and agent security is a multi-faceted issue that covers (amongst other things):

  • Understanding security requirements & properties of (agent) systems that operate in  distributed, dynamic and open services environments
  • Defining how to use agents and their peculiar properties in conjunction with any underlying infrastructure security
  • Addressing a new generation of security issues that arises as automated, dynamic behaviour and peer-to-peer interaction becomes more pervasive and as agents are promoted to act on our behalf

6. Status

Current results and future work status as at 32nd FIPA Meeting in Rockville, MD:

The following are the highlights from this meeting:

  • There were discussions related to the FIPA f-in-00095 (secure message envelope) document for consideration by the FAB to be a preliminary spec.  This is close to being a completed preliminary specification proposal. The following are the issues related to complete this:
    • Currently, it is proposed that a new extension field to support security should itself be extensible that points to a set of extension headers, one of which is the new security header (another, in the future, could be a possible QoS header). A proposal has been drafted for submission to the FAB.
    • There is a HTTP grounding for the envelope but no IIOP grounding for it.
    • Consider if the current representation of the syntax in terms of a frame-based ontology should be a UML
  • There were discussions related to creating a more general specification of an agent security model
    • It was felt that this model should comprise a concept model, profile model, policy model and process model. We are still discussing how to define these models.
    • It is also felt that this model overlaps with work being done in the TC services, TC Modelling and TC semantics.
    • A paper is being presented by this TC on this model to the SASMAS-2004 work-shop at AAMAS

The FIPA Security TC proposes the following resolutions:

  1. To complete a preliminary specification of the security envelope specification in time for the FAB to consider for the next meeting. To propose the changes needed to the related standard envelope specifications.
  2. To interact with other TC's before the next meeting such as TC Services, TC Modeling and TC Semantics in order to align the TC Security output with the work of these TCs.
  3. To circulate a draft of the abstract security architecture specification.
  4. That the following be thanked for their active input at this meeting: Sergi Robles (UAB), Pen Perry (Quantum Leap), Patrick Sodre (Intelligent Automation), Markus Dale (UMBC), Ed Sherwood (Motorola), Joan Ametller (UAB) , Jose Antonio Otega (UAB), Margaret Lyell (Intelligent Automation) and Stefan Poslad (QMUL). Apologies are offered to anyone whose name was omitted.

Status updates from prior meetings can be found in the respective resolutions. This information is available at FIPA Past Meetings.

7. How to Contribute

Communication with the WG is via the email mailing list security(at)

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