Document title
Resolutions from the London, UK Meeting, November 2003
Document number
Document source
Board of Directors
Document status
Date of this
Date as: 2003/11/21
Change history
Initial draft, Mike Kerstetter
Resolutions of the 30th FIPA meeting in London, England
November 19-21, 2003.
1. FIPA activities:
- The Board
wishes to express its profound appreciation to Michael Berger for his
service on the Board for the past two years as Chair of the Finance and
Auditing Committee and Chair of the Membership and Nomination
Committee. His enthusiasm,
dedication, insight, and leadership were instrumental in guiding FIPA
through a period of significant change.
- Several issues
were proposed to the membership for vote.
A 2/3 quorum was determined to be achieved with 7 members present
and 10 proxies in hand out of 22 members in good standing.
- The Audited
Accounts and Projected Budget for 2003-2004 (see documents submitted by
the FIPA Secretariat) were approved unanimously.
- Statute
- Article 4.1, paragraph 3:
- Original text: “The Members agree to respect all legal
provisions and these Statutes concerning FIPA. Each applicant has to
declare himself individually and collectively committed to open
competition in the development of IPAs and supporting technologies. The
Members are not restricted in any way from designing, developing,
marketing and/or procuring IPAs. Members are not bound to implement or
use specific agent technology standards, recommendations or FIPA
specifications by virtue of participation in FIPA.”
- Proposed
text: “To apply for FIPA membership the company
or organisation must supply its official name, the city, the country
and maintain a list of the names and addresses of at least one and up
to two official representatives. The applicant is also required
to submit a signed copy of the FIPA statutes together with the above
information and the filled out Pro-Forma invoice to the FIPA
secretariat. The membership becomes effective once payment and signed
statues are received. The Board of Directors does reserve the
right to refuse membership if deemed in the best interest of FIPA.”
- The proposal was passed unanimously
pending review of the unannounced proposal with proxy members. However an action item was taken by
the President to further refine the text so as to achieve greater
membership approval.
- Article 7.2, paragraph 2:
- Original text: “The Directors are selected from
among the Members' employees. Up to one board member may be an employee
of an associate member, all other board members are employees of
principal members.”
- Proposed text: “The
Directors are selected from among the Members' employees. Up to two
board members may be employees of associate members, all other board
members are employees of principal members.”
- The proposal was passed unanimously
pending review of the unannounced proposal with proxy members. At the time of release of
this document, sufficient proxy members had confirmed approval to ensure
passage of the change.
- Article 7.1, paragraph 1:
- Original text: “The
Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors which shall have
three (3) Members for the foundation act of FIPA only and an uneven
number of no less than five (5) and no more than eleven (11) Members
elected by the first General Assembly.”
- Proposed text: “The
Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors which shall have
three (3) Members for the foundation act of FIPA only and no less than
four (4) and no more than eleven (11) Members elected by the first
General Assembly.”
- The proposal was passed unanimously
pending review of the unannounced proposal with proxy members. At the time of release of this document, sufficient proxy
members had confirmed approval to ensure passage of the change.
- Election
of Board Members:
A call for nominations for four Board positions was
issued in advance of the GAAM.
- Only of the nominations
received, only three agreed to stand for election:
- Monique Calisti, Whitestein Technologies.
- Stefan Poslad, Queen Mary, University
of London.
- Jim Odell, James Odell Associates.
- All three were elected to the Board.
- In
order to ensure stability, enlarge the FIPA membership basis and
guarantee an effective leadership of FIPA, the current board proposed the following:
The FIPA Board proposes the following changes
effective from the beginning of the next fiscal year (July 2004 / June 2005):
- A unified form of
membership (no distinction between principal and associated)
- Annual membership fee: 2250
- All members can vote and
run for election for the FIPA board of directors
- Any change in the statutes
needs a quorum of at least ½ of
the good standing members and approval of a majority of those
By June 2004 the board will submit the revised statutes
eliminating references to dual levels of membership.
- The proposal was passed unanimously
pending review of the unannounced proposal with proxy members. At the time of release of
this document, sufficient proxy members had confirmed approval to ensure
passage of the change.
- The Board
nominates Mike Kerstetter from Boeing to assume the President
position. It also nominates Stefan
Poslad to assume the Vice President position and the role of Board
Secretary. The Board nominates Jim
Odell to the positions of chair Financial and Auditing Committee and chair
of Membership and Nomination committee.
The Board nominates Monique Calisti as chair of the Image Committee
and Jacquie Kelly as Treasurer.
- Tentative times
and locations of the next 3 meetings:
Approx. March,
Expressions of interest have been
received from members located in Spain and Italy. These are being pursued in more detail and a decision will be
announced as soon as possible.
32 (tent.)
14-16 July,
Washington DC
Renato Levy, Intelligent Automation
27 Sep.-1
Oct., 2004
In conjunction with MATES 2004
conference, Dr. Rainer Unland, Organizing Chair. Jim Odell will coordinate on behalf of FIPA.
FIPA requests
that the Secretariat update Board-related mailing lists as appropriate and
remind all committee chairs to update their relevant sections of the FIPA
website with current information.
3. The board will
continue to work on the strategic positioning of FIPA and its activities with
respect to other relevant standardization bodies.
4. Resolutions
and Statements of Technical Committees, Working Groups, and Special Interest
TC Ad-hoc Resolutions
Ad-Hoc had discussions about current specification
draft. The following decisions were taken:
Extend the current FIPA Agent
Management specification in order to meet the requirements of yellow page
services in ad hoc networks
Approve the need for a standard way of
advertising FIPA agent services in JXTA technology
Further editing of the FIPA Agent
Management specification and fipa00096 is needed and will be completed by
Open points to discuss at the next
o Profile of the DF capabilities
o Finalisation of changes to FIPA Agent Management specification
o Finalisation of fipa00096
TC Ad hoc thanks:
Fabio Bellifemine, Michael Berger, David Cabanillas, Monique Calisti, Giancario
Fortino, Xuan Huang, Ben Mankin, John Shepherdson, Rainer Unland, Juan Jim Tan,
Yanmin Xi.
TC Modeling
- The Modelling TC participants
reached a basic agreement on an abstract syntax (in the form of a class
diagram) that specifies the notions of agent, agent class, role, group for
modeling agent-based systems.
Furthermore, it was agreed that these areas would be explored and
defined in more detail by this TC.
- The Modelling TC participants agreed
to explore the notions of position, environment, and context. It also agreed to begin adding agent
properties such as capabilities, goals, and so on.
- The Modelling TC participants agreed
to continue the refinement of the FIPA AUML language specifications for
Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams.
The Modelling TC
would like to express its appreciation to those individuals who participated in
both Modeling TC meetings.
TC Semantics Resolutions
outline of the TC Semantics meeting is as follows:
- A draft of a revised work
plan was submitted consideration at the Opening Plenary
- The first in a series of
presentations: “On Eliciting
Requirements for Agent Semantics from Linguistics Concepts" was given by Everett Sherwood (Motorola
- Included in the first talk were:
- The Need for Semantic
- A Rationale for Using Linguistics as a Source of Requirements
- An Overview of Semantic Exchange
- A Description of Low-Level Semantics and their Use in Agent
- Various Draft Requirements
- A Presentation on: “An Executable
Specification of Open Norm-Governed Computational Systems” by Alexander
Artikis, Marek Sergot, and Jeremy Pitt was given by Alexander Artikis,
TC Semantics resolves
- Develop a Set of requirements as a
Basis for further work
- To this end, a statement of goal
was drafted by Mike Uschold
TC Semantics would
like to express its appreciate to those individuals who participated in both
meetings and particularly Alexander Artikis for his participation.
Image Committee Resolutions
since last meeting:
- Reapportion tasks and coordinate with the FIPA
Secretariat and the rest of the Image committee and FIPA Board concerning:
- Web site aspects
- Sponsorship
- Liaisons
(in particular with incoming EU projects – AgentLink 3)
- Fipa Inform! Newsletter Vol. 4, Issue 1:
available on the web site
- Fipa Inform! Newsletter Vol. 4, Issue 2: during
this meeting the goal is to define the content for this issue that we aim
to publish by the end of this year/beginning 2004
- Outside image
- Input on a book chapter about FIPA specs and
current activities written by Steven Willmott
presence in AAMAS 03: many thanks to Jonathan Dale, Steven Willmott, and
Stephen Cranfield
presentation for IDIN03 (M. Berger, Banff, Canada, August 2003)
- FIPA presentation for
Agentcities Public Information Days 4 (M. Calisti, Helsinki,
Finland, August 2003)
- Any other input we are not
aware of? Just contact
- Liaisons:
update and new actions
- A direct link has been established with W3C: the
Board is following up on that
- Web
- Maintenance of relevant projects / activities /
liaisons page, articles and presentations
- Link
to relevant related events update
- Update
of What‘s New
At this meeting the following issues were
- Collect
input about relevant events:
- Eumas
03 (18-19
December -Oxford) – Monique contacts F. Zambonelli asking for a FIPA spot
Stefan Poslad will be there and he could take care of the presentation
- AAMAS’04 – request for sponsorship,
1000 US dollars (board approval)
- AgentLink 3 Industrial Day (when?) – request for
sponsorship, 500 Euro eventually (the board will have to approve that, if
- AgentLink 3 Summer School (when) – FIPA tutorial;
Monique will take care of the liaison
- IEEE SMC Conference, October 2004, Delfth,
Netherlands – it would be good to have FIPA presence and papers
eventually selected for special Issue of IEEE SMC
- Collaborative Agent Systems
and Applications TC (Fabio is part of the TC)
Circulate call for paper in the FIPA chat mailing list
and encourage publication
- NODes 04, September 2004, Erfurt,
Germany – possible co-location with FIPA 3rd FIPA meeting 2004
- Collect input/feedback about main
- Establish
liaison with Jade Board – Monique and Fabio coordinate Jacquie
- Establish liaison with
AgentLink 3 – Monique
- openNet – depending on whether
it will be accepted or not by EU Commission
- Establish liaison with @Lis
(EU project bringing Agentcities into Central and South America) –
Monique asks Steven Willmott
- Sponsorship requests
- Next FIPA meetings
- Discuss about the FIPA Inform!
Newsletter Vol. 4 Issue 2
- Next
issue content
- Global issue: opening to the
outside world
Many thanks to Fabio Bellifemine, Michael Berger and Stefan Poslad.
TC Security
The main achievements
at the meeting were discussions related to:
Part 1 of the meeting: the
presentations made at the Security TC meeting
Part 2 of the meeting: discussion of the FIPA f-in-00095 proposal.
Need to add:
Scenarios and requirements
Clarification of attributes in the
frame-based ontology for message security:
Which are optional
How to specify list of reserved values
Add technical note for MTP-MTP
security vs. Agent-Agent messaging security
Requirement and syntax for specifying
sequences vs. trees vs. nesting of security wrappers
Use of existing specs. or notation
such as PKCS-7 – any others.
Add a technical note to say how this
related or our criticism of / differentiators from existing specs?
Impact on existing spec.s such as FIPA
MTS spec (No. 23)
Namespace for terms
Discuss specification representation:
S-expression, ASN.1,
Need for an XML syntax
Discuss how to relate this to a more
general abstract security model
Use of an Ontology for terms, or not
The FIPA Security
TC proposes the following resolutions:
1. To progress with its work to complete its current work-plan
a. Specification (f-in-00095) on a concrete per-message-based security
specification (Giosue, TiLab) will act as editor) via email discussions and
b. Abstract security architecture specification
c. Analysis of current security review (synchronise this to the completion of a preliminary
specification of a per-message based
concrete security model as the review gives some of the discussions for designing this in a certain way.
2. That the following be thanked for their presentations at this TC
Meeting: Ben Mankin (formalism for distributed authorization), Alois Reitbauer
(distributed application security requirements), Jim Juan Tan (Syntax for
per-message-based security) and Giosue Vitaglion (per-message security
3. That the following be thanked for their active input at this
meeting: Thierry Bouron (France Telcom, Monique Calisti (Whitestein), Sergi
Robles (Univ. AB), Jim Juan Tan (QMUL), Alois Reitbauer (Profactor), Giosue
Vitaglione (TiLab), Raphael Mankin (Solvfield Ltd) Ben Mankin (Univ. Bath),
Rainer Unland (Uni, Duisburg-Essen) and Stefan Poslad (QMUL). Apologies are
offered to anyone whose name was omitted.
TC Methodology Resolutions
TC Methodology proposed
that FIPA adopts the following resolutions:
- The glossary of terms has been
approved as an internal document. There will be two different kind of
terms in it: a list of terms directly related to the work of this TC and a
list of terms coming from common software engineering and agent contexts
- Having a direct and active contact with the OMG group of SPEM
is important for this TC and further actions will be done to strengthen it
- The fragment definition document has been approved as a
preliminary specification and will be published on the web site. Members
are invited to use and comment the specification.
- An internal document containing a set of fragments (extracted
from already SPEM documented methodologies) will be produced by next
- Method base repository specifications has been decided to be
based on a textual document complemented by a formal XML representation
according to a schema.
TC Methodologies
gratefully thanks all people attending the meeting and the others contributing
TC Interaction Protocols Resolutions
The Interaction
Protocols TC began with presentations on differing views on Interaction
Protocols. These presentations presented alternative perspectives and made
clearer some further work that needs to be done on the current AUML interaction
diagrams. The Interaction Protocols TC
thanks the following presenters:
Shamima Paurobally from Southampton
University for her presentation, “Developing Agent Interaction Protocols Using
Graphical and Logical Methodologies”, based on work by herself as well as Jim
Cunningham and Hywel Dunn-Davies from Imperial College.
Juan Manuel Serranofrom University Rey Juan Carlos for his presentation, “Interaction
Protocols -- An Organisational State-Based Approach”.
James Odell and Marc-Philippe Huget for
their presentation on the representation of existing interaction protocols in
UML2-based AUML.
The Interaction
Protocols TC agreed that the current workplan is insufficient, and resolves to
develop via the email discussion a new workplan to be presented to the FAB
before the next meeting. As a result of our discussion, we agreed that the
workplan would span a period of two years, and include the following:
Collect usage scenarios from real
agent systems and examining the types of interactions that they would use, but
do not fit well into the current AUML or conform to any of the existing
standard IPs. Examples of these include discussion threads, chats, and voting
Collect requirements for modelling and
representing interaction protocols.
Work in conjunction with the TC
modelling to develop a model for agent interaction that supports the types of
interactions that are derived from the usage scenarios.
Develop a representation that can be
presented (a) to humans so they can understand the interaction protocol,
including detailed semantics and the assumptions that the interaction protocol
places on the involved agents, (b) to agents in a machine-understandable
manner, so the agents can learn the interaction protocols as needed. This
representation should also support the validation of the protocols for
terminating soundly, being deadlock-free, etc.
The Interaction
Protocols TC thanks the participants meetings and for their contributions. This
was a good meeting and we made some very good progress.
FIPA Architecture Board Resolutions
- FAB informs the entire FIPA membership that the RFC3616 has been
approved and published by IETF. It defines the ‘fipa’ URN. At the next
meeting, Misty Nodine will make a short tutorial on URNs and a proposal on
how FIPA can best exploit this URN.
- FAB requests the FIPA secretariat to make available to FAB and
Board members the repositories of the following documents in source (.doc)
format: input documents to FIPA, output documents of FIPA, workplans, specifications.
- FAB requests the FIPA secretariat to take responsibility for
assigning numbers to new documents when requested by the FAB. The
secretariat should take care of acquiring the necessary expertise and
tools for this new activity. FAB thanks
Jonathan Dale for having done this activity in the past.
- FAB wishes to create a proper software infrastructure that allows
accessing (both by humans and by software) and maintaining all the
catalogues that FIPA has and is going to define, including glossary of terms
and definitions, catalogue of communicative acts, interaction protocols,
content languages, ontologies, specifications, encodings, MTPs, ... FAB calls for proposals from the FIPA
community about the requirements and the possible solutions for such an infrastructure.
TC Ontology Resolutions
TC Ontology did not
TC Services Resolutions
Services did not meet.
thanks Alexander Artikis, Imperial College for his informative presentation to
TC Semantics at the 30th FIPA GAAM.
thanks the management and staff of The Hilton on Park
Lane for their excellent meeting
facilities and friendly support in London, and Jim Odell of James Odell
Associates, Kevin Loughry of OMG and their entire team for arranging for the
collocation of the 29th meeting of FIPA and the FIPA Secretariat,
Jacquie Kelly.
7. FIPA invites its
membership and contributors to the FIPA process to its 31th meeting,
dates and location to be confirmed shortly.