Document title |
from the Palermo, Italy, February 2003 Meeting |
Document number |
Document source |
Board of Directors |
Document status |
Preliminary |
Date of this status |
Date as: 2003/02/12 |
Change history |
Initial draft |
Resolutions of the 28th FIPA meeting in Palermo, Italy
February 10-12, 2003.
1. FIPA activities
The composition
of the FIPA Architecture Board has become as follows:
Name |
Affiliation |
Country |
Fabio Bellifemine (Chair) |
Italy |
Jonathan Dale |
Fujitsu Labs US |
US |
David Levine |
US |
Misty Nodine |
Telcordia |
US |
Meeting |
Dates |
Location |
Country |
Host |
29 |
August 20-22, 2003 |
Calgary |
Canada |
University of Calgary, co-located with Industrial Informatics (INDIN03) |
29 |
June 16-18 / 23-25, 2003 |
Prague |
Czech Republic |
TBD, co-located with CEEMAS03 |
30 |
November 17-19, 2003 |
London |
UK |
TBD, co-located with OMG |
FIPA requests
that the secretariat remind all committee chairs to update their relevant
sections of the FIPA website with current information.
3. The board will continue to work on the strategic positioning of FIPA and
its activities with respect to other relevant standardization bodies.
4. Resolutions of Technical Committees, Working Groups, and Special
Interest Groups:
FIPA Architecture Board proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions:
Jonathan Dale, Margaret Lyell
Security, Stefan
Modeling, James
Massimo Cossentino ad interim
Protocols, Gabriel Hopmans ad interim
Ad-Hoc WG, Services TC, Security TC
Ontology TC, Semantics TC
Engineering: Interaction Protocol TC, Modeling TC, Methodology TC
TC chairs are responsible for organizing their activities and cross-TC
intra-cluster relationships, including time and technology dependencies
WG Ad-hoc proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions.
- Further analysis / classification of relevant existing ad-hoc and P2P technologies / mechanisms
- Investigation in relevant use-case scenarios
- Overview of possible architectures
- Proposal of a mechanism to adopt by FIPA (focussing on scenarios, architectures, definition of service mappings)
TC Modeling proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions.
TC Services Resolutions
outline of the TC Services meetings was:
TC Services proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions:
Analyze the existing service models in existence today;
Produce an Abstract Service Model specification based on this analysis;
Produce service grounding specifications for DAML-S and Web Service;
Revise existing FIPA Service Descriptions specifications.
TC Security
TC Security proposes the following resolutions:
· Progress with its work-plan to produce an abstract security model and to produce concrete groundings of this model via security profiles;
· Complete its overview of current security models and to generate the requirements and profiles for one or more concrete groundings of the model by May 2003.
This activity will focus on:
· Send comments and inputs to on-going standardisation efforts into ontology domain (ontology representation language, upper ontologies on policies, contracts…)
· Enabling interoperability between agent systems at the communication level by providing methods and guidelines to produce ontologies for agents (separate knowledge level from service level), and propose an upper ontology for content language (interoperability at the content language).
Ontology TC Ontology proposes the following resolutions:
· Update workplan according to re-focus of the ontology TC activities (march 1st)
· Collect comments on webONT specifications (OWL) to have a pertinent and official response from FIPA.
· Put together specific requirements on ontologies for agents (requirements sent to webONT working group, mid-April)
· Prepare a document where ontology requirements for agents are covered (Deadline end of April).
· Define a new and completed version of the upper ontology (abstract content language for interoperability at the content language) proposed during the Palermo meeting based on requirements document. (Deadline: next meeting).
The TC Methodology proposes the following resolutions:
- It is necessary to formally represent method fragments in order to store them in the method base. A method is essentially composed of two elements: the structure of the product (the artefact resulting from the developer activity) and the procedures necessary to construct the artefact.
- The first phase of this TC work will aim at creating:
- We will explicitly refer to existing standards and AOSE contributions (OMG SPEM, OPEN, Adelphe, Message, …)
TC Semantics did not meet.
Image Committee Resolutions
Beside this document, some slides summarizing the Image Committee discussion are going to be sent by the Image chair (M. Calisti) to the image, the BoD and the FIPA secretariat. The Image Committee aims to improve the visibility of FIPA for enabling a better interaction of all the members and increase visibility toward the external community. Especially in this crucial period, the main concern is to ensure visibility and facilitate the contribution of the whole industrial and scientific community to FIPA.
The Image Committee proposes the following resolutions:
- Goal: primarily to attract interest from external organizations, and thereby to inform people about what is going on in FIPA
- Target: outside world (that is not necessarily aware of how things work inside the community) and the FIPA community
- Structure:
Technology overview:
invited people, ad hoc or global calls.
FIPA report on various
activities (TCs, WGs, SIGs)
§ Announcements corners
§ A space for advertisements? Still open issue
- Procedure and guidelines:
§ Ad hoc calls
§ Open calls
§ Review process: case by case
§ 1 issue after every meeting
- Distribution:
§ UMBC mailing list
§ DAI mailing list
§ AgentLink, AgentCities
§ Platforms lists (both FIPA and non-FIPA), chat list
§ PISA project
§ ontoWeb mailing list
- Volume 4 issue 1:
§ Issue due by end of April 2003:
§ We should discuss today about content:
§ Meeting Report (President)
§ News in brief (J. Kelly)
§ Palermo workshop report (Vito and Massimo)
§ FIPA scope and current activities overview (activities track description) – FAB/BoD – Jonathan Dale
§ Technology overview - what is DAML-S, W3C activity, its future, link to FIPA – ask David Martin (interview kind of article)
§ Business input: open call (Monique will invite Navi Radjou from Forrester)
§ Member profiles: Telcordia (Misty Nodine, to be asked)
§ Announcement corners: 6th EU calls! (Monique)
· Liaisons: The goal is to keep strong liaison, clarify scope and objectives, create visibility and awareness (relevant events and activities of mutual interest)
- OMG (contact person Jim Odell)
- ontoWeb (contact person Monique)
- WebOnt (contact person Jonathan)
- Semantic Web (contact person Tim Finin to be asked)
- Agentlink (contact person Monique)
- Agenticties (contact person Jonathan)
- ObjectWeb (contact person Monique)
- Holonic Manufacturing (contact person Mihaela Ulieru)
- The secretariat and the IC should make sure important FIPA related events are advertised on the chat mailing list. For specific particularly relevant events we should take into account the announcement corner of the FIPA Inform! Newsletter.
- Image has an important role in collecting input for the F4BA white paper and distributing output toward the outside community. We will make sure we keep that in mind and we will work on that.
5. FIPA thanks the following individuals for participating in and
making valuable contributions to the FIPA Workshop:
Name |
Affiliation |
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica |
Giovanni Caire |
Massimo Cossentino |
University of Palermo |
6. FIPA thanks Engineering Ingegneria
Informatica for offering FIPA
excellent meeting facilities and friendly support in Palermo, Italy, and for
hosting its 28th meeting, in particular: Giuseppe Sajeva and his
team, and also the FIPA Secretariat Jacquie Kelly.
7. FIPA invites its membership and contributors to the FIPA process to its
29th meeting, dates and location to be announced shortly.