Document title

FIPA SIG F4BA     FIPA for Business Application

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Initial draft


Second version: lot of text added

Text from the article written by Bernard Burg, Steve Wilmott, and Jonathan Dale










© 2002 Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents -

Geneva, Switzerland


Use of the technologies described in this specification may infringe patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of FIPA Members and non-members. Nothing in this specification should be construed as granting permission to use any of the technologies described. Anyone planning to make use of technology covered by the intellectual property rights of others should first obtain permission from the holder(s) of the rights. FIPA strongly encourages anyone implementing  any part of this specification to determine first whether part(s) sought to be implemented are covered by the intellectual property of others, and, if so, to obtain appropriate licenses or other permission from the holder(s) of such intellectual property prior to implementation. This specification is subject to change without notice. Neither FIPA nor any of its Members accept any responsibility whatsoever for damages or liability, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this specification.


The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) is an international organization that is dedicated to promoting the industry of intelligent agents by openly developing specifications supporting interoperability among agents and agent-based applications. This occurs through open collaboration among its member organizations, which are companies and universities that are active in the field of agents. FIPA makes the results of its activities available to all interested parties and intends to contribute its results to the appropriate formal standards bodies.

The members of FIPA are individually and collectively committed to open competition in the development of agent-based applications, services and equipment. Membership in FIPA is open to any corporation and individual firm, partnership, governmental body or international organization without restriction. In particular, members are not bound to implement or use specific agent-based standards, recommendations and FIPA specifications by virtue of their participation in FIPA.

The FIPA specifications are developed through direct involvement of the FIPA membership. The status of a specification can be either Preliminary, Experimental, Standard, Deprecated or Obsolete.More detail about the process of specification may be found in the FIPA Procedures for Technical Work. A complete overview of the FIPA specifications and their current status may be found in the FIPA List of Specifications. A list of terms and abbreviations used in the FIPA specifications may be found in the FIPA Glossary.

FIPA is a non-profit association registered in Geneva, Switzerland. As of January 2002, the 56 members[HeL1] of FIPA represented 17 countries worldwide. Further information about FIPA as an organization, membership information, FIPA specifications and upcoming meetings may be found at


FIPA for Business Application


White Paper


Version 0.3

Editor Heimo Laamanen, Sonera



1     Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 1

2     What is FIPA’s technology................................................................................................................................. 3

2.1      Current Generation of FIPA Specifications.................................................................................................... 3

2.1.1      Abstract Architecture............................................................................................................................ 3

2.1.2      Agent Message Transport..................................................................................................................... 3

2.1.3      Agent Management............................................................................................................................. 4

2.1.4      Agent Communication.......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.5      Agent  Applications.............................................................................................................................. 6

3     Status of FIPA’s Technology.............................................................................................................................. 7

4     Benefits of Using FIPA’s Technology.................................................................................................................. 8

5     Service Development Based FIPA’s Technology................................................................................................... 9

6     Applications of FIPA’s Technology.................................................................................................................... 10

7     Relationship Between FIPA’s Technology and Other Related Technology.............................................................. 11

8     Summary....................................................................................................................................................... 12

1          Summary


2          Introduction


Internet usage is growing explosively, mobile data services are reaching users worldwide and businesses are moving to the web to connect with the customers, suppliers and partners. Despites its huge success, today's Internet lacks several features that enable easy, user friendly use of services everywhere and any time when needed by users. Agent technology has the potential to play a key role in improving the use of the Internet by automating processes, enriching system-system communication and bringing more intelligence service provision. To realise this potential, agents require standards, they need to communicate to discover their peers, to negotiate and to co-operate in an open environment where everybody can add their contribution when and how it is deemed appropriate.


The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) was formed in 1996 as a non-profit organisation with the remit of producing software standards for heterogeneous and interacting agents and agent-based systems across multiple vendors' platforms. This is expressed more formally in FIPA's official mission statement:

The promotion of technologies and interoperability specifications that facilitate the end-to-end interworking of intelligent agent systems in modern commercial and industrial settings.

The emphasis here is therefore on the practical commercial and industrial uses of agent systems. The aim is to bring together the latest advances in agent research with industry best practice in software, networks and business systems.

FIPA has produced several sets of specifications to create an environment where agents can operate and interoperate with each other. The last years have seen intense activity within FIPA and great changes in the technological landscape which forms the backdrop for its activities. This has resulted in both technical advances and changes to FIPA’s structure and specification process. One of the main procedural changes is a multi-step document process reflecting the different levels of maturity of the specifications through successive grades of maturity: Preliminary, Experimental, Standard through Deprecated and Obsolete. Technical work has also made significant progress. Development of a global Framework to link together the totality of FIPA specifications into a single Abstract Architecture. Modularisation of all specifications to create a “plug and play” architecture supporting interchangeable component specifications for areas such as content languages, performatives, protocols, message transport and language syntax complemented by profiles to link together sets of components.


Web technologies, such as XML based languages and protocols, WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP are also progressing in a fast phase. Specifying a HTTP message transport, XML encodings for FIPA ACL messages, and an RDF content language has already done integration of Web technologies with the FIPA standards. Moreover, activities to integrate WSDL and UDDI with the FIPA standards are underway.


This paper discusses about the following issues: What is FIPA’s technology, what is the status of it, what are the benetfits of using FIPA’s technology, and applications of FIPA’s technology.


3          What is FIPA’s technology


FIPA’s technology is dealing with software agent technology. Software agent technology is an emerging paradigm to design and implement distributed applications. Software agents have a long history. The term agent in the context of software was first introduced in the mid-1950's at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Agent research studies different kinds of agents and agent systems starting from single, intelligent agents—e.g., BDI (Belief, Desire, and Intention) agent—to multi-agent systems (MAS) consisting of numerous simple, co-operating agents. An intelligent agent is capable of autonomous actions in order to achieve its goals, which are defined in their design objectives. This requires at least three following things: 1) Reactivity: intelligent agents are able to perceive their environment, and respond in a timely fashion to changes that occur in their environment in order to achieve their goals; 2) Pro-activeness: intelligent agents are able to exhibit goal-directed behaviour by taking an initiative in order to achieve their goals; 3) Social ability: intelligent agents are capable to of interacting with other agents in order to achieve their goals. There are also other attributes that intelligent agents are mentioned to have. Temporal continuity means persistence of identity and state over long periods. Adaptability means capability to learn and improve with experience. Mobility means capability to migrate in a self-directed way from one host platform to another. To summarize, we can say that an intelligent agent is a system situated within and a part of an environment that senses that environment and acts on it, over time, in pursuit of its own agenda and to affect what it senses in the future.

Agent-to-agent communication is one of the key issues in the multi-agent systems. There are two approaches: either to standardize the communication between agents or to rely on propriety solutions. FIPA’ s members strongly believe that agent-to-agent communication must rely on standardized solutions in order to provide an overall, coherent platform for many different kinds of application domains. FIPA’s technology solves the problems of agent interaction in a distributed service environment enabling various software agents to communicate with each other.


There are several application domains, where software agents are already been implemented and will be implemented in the future. Just to illustrate the wide scale of application domains, we list here a few of them. Industrial applications of agent technology were the first ones that were developed. Process control, manufacturing, and air traffic control, are examples of agent based industrial applications. Software agent technology has also been implemented in several kinds of commercial applications, such as information management including information gathering and filtering, electronic commerce including electronic market places and auctions, and business process management. We expect

software agents to play a significant role in the next generation Web.[HeL2] 


3.1 Current Generation of FIPA Specifications


FIPA specifications are divided into five categories: Applications, Abstract Architecture, Agent Communication, Agent Management and Agent Message Transport. Each area of specifications has one or more specification documents assigned to it and involved one or more technical committees or working groups.


3.1.1           Abstract Architecture

The purpose of the FIPA Abstract Architecture (see [FIPA00001]) is to foster interoperability and reusability, this leads to the identification of architectural abstractions linked by their relationships. It makes a distinction between those elements which can easily be defined in an abstract manner, such as agent message transport, FIPA ACL, directory services and content languages, and between those elements that cannot, such as agent management and agent mobility. These are considered difficult to represent abstractly since they occur too close to the concrete realisation (implementation) of an agent system and very little commonality can be derived from analysing them. Yet, these issues will have to be addresses by developers and the abstract architecture will provide a number of instantiation guidelines in the future for specific groupings of implementation technologies.

The first concrete realization of the abstract architecture is the Java Agent Service project, which is being developed as part of the Java Community Process.

3.1.2          Agent Message Transport

The FIPA Agent Message Transport Specifications deal with the delivery and representation of messages across different network transport protocols, including wireline and wireless environments.

At the message transport level, a message consists of a message envelope and a message body. The envelope contains specific transport requirements and information that is used by the Message Transport Service (MTS) on each agent platform to route and handle messages. The message body is the payload and is usually expressed in FIPA ACL but is opaque to the MTS since it may be compressed or encoded.

Figure 1: Agent Message Transport Reference Model

The agent message transport reference model provides facilities for  (see Figure 1):

·         General support for an MTS within an agent platform (see [FIPA00067]).

·         Guidelines for using specific Message Transport Protocols (MTPs), such as IIOP (see [FIPA00075]), HTTP (see [FIPA00084]) and WAP (see [FIPA00076]).

·         Message envelope representations those are suitable for each MTP, such as an XML encoding for HTTP (see [FIPA00085]) and a bit-efficient encoding for WAP (see [FIPA00088]).

·         FIPA ACL representations, such as a string encoding (see [FIPA00070]), an XML encoding (see [FIPA00071]) and a bit-efficient encoding (see [FIPA00069]).

The MTS on each agent platform can support any number of message transport protocols and will normally translate between a FIPA-supported MTP that is used for interoperable communication between heterogeneous agent platforms (such as XML over HTTP) and an MTP that is used internally to the agent platform (such as Java objects over the Java Messaging Service).

Consequently, the components of the MTS are designed to be modular and extensible to handle different message transport protocols, message envelope and FIPA ACL representations in the future.

3.1.3          Agent Management

The FIPA Agent Management Specification (see [FIPA00023]) provides the framework within which FIPA agents exist and operate. It establishes the logical reference model for the creation, registration, location, communication, migration and retirement of agents.

Figure 2: Agent Management Reference Model

The reference model (see Figure 2) describes the primitives and ontologies necessary to support the following services in an agent platform:

·         White pages, such as agent location, naming and control access services, which are provided by the Agent Management System (AMS). Agent names are represented by a flexible and extensible structure called an agent identifier, which can support social names, transport addresses, name resolution services, amongst other things.

·         Yellow pages, such as service location and registration services, which are provided by the Directory Facilitator (DF).

·         Agent message transport services as described previously in section 3.2.2.

In conjunction with the FIPA Agent Message Transport Specifications, the FIPA Agent Management Specification also provides support for intermittently connected devices, such as laptop computers and personal digital assistants through message buffering, redirection and proxying.

3.1.4          Agent Communication

Developers of multi-agent systems require specialised communication techniques in order to structure the interactions in their agent systems. Ad hoc techniques are usually not sufficiently well designed or documented to be consistently extensible and implementable by others, or generally applicable to a wide set of agent problems. The FIPA specifications for agent communication address these issues. The core of these specifications was largely completed in FIPA 97, but this specification set has required continual maintenance and development since then. The specifications of the communication language, along with libraries of predefined communicative act types, interaction protocols and content languages were developed. Add here an example of agent communication[HeL3] 

3.1.5          Agent Applications

FIPA has developed specifications of four agent-based applications that contain service and ontology descriptions and case scenarios:

·        Personal Travel Assistance: individualised, automated access to travel services (see [FIPA00080]).

·        Audio-Visual Entertainment and Broadcasting: negotiating, filtering, and retrieving audio-visual information, in particular for digital broadcasting networks (see [FIPA00081]).

·        Network Management and Provisioning: automated provisioning ofdynamic Virtual Private Network services where a user wants to set up a multi-media connection with several other users (see [FIPA00082]).

·        Personal Assistant: management of a user's personal meeting schedule, in particular in determining time and place arrangements for meetings with several participants (see [FIPA00083]).

Additionally, the Agent Software Integration specification (see [FIPA00079]) contains guidelines for integrating legacy software, that is, software that does not communicate using FIPA ACL.



4          Status of FIPA’s Technology


FIPA has several specifications in the experimental status.  As there are already several implementations, it is expected that by the end of year 2002 many of these experimental specifications will be promoted to the standard status. The following specifications will promoted: tbd. If needed?[HeL4] 


FIPA has solutions for …

Following issues still need to be solved …

5          Benefits of Using FIPA’s Technology



6          Service Development Based FIPA’s Technology


Sixteen FIPA platforms have been implemented by diverse companies, four of these are freely accessible under open source (see Table 1). These FIPA platforms have been distributed and tested in large-scale projects, which collectively have been downloaded several thousands of times.



Platform Name

Comtec (Japan)

Comtec Agent Platform

CSELT (Italy)

Java Agent Development Framework (JADE)[2]

Fujitsu Laboratories of America (USA)

April Agent Platform[3] (AAP)

Emorphia Ltd (UK)


 Table 1: Available Open Source FIPA Agent Platform Implementations


In addition to a choice of FIPA platforms which are aimed at agent researchers with software development experience, there is also a need for agent development environments that cater for non-specialists. ZEUS is one such platform and it is based around a GUI that facilitates the rapid development of collaborative agent applications (see Table 2).



Platform Name

BT Laboratories (UK)

ZEUS Agent Building Toolkit[5]

Table 2. Available Open Source FIPA Agent Development Environments


The next generation of platforms is already under development:  two ongoing European projects include work on enabling the FIPA platforms for wireless devices (CRUMPET  [CRUMPET] and LEAP [LEAP]), and a Java Community Process (JAS) addressing Java Interfaces for agent services has recently started [JAS-2000]. These initiatives aim to deliver new implementations by the end of 2001.

We need text to describe how to develop services on top of these existing platforms:

-          ease of it

-          benefits etc.

7          Applications of FIPA’s Technology



-          manufacturing                           

-          planning and scheduling

-          groupwork                                 

-          tourism                                     

-          ecommerce

o        matchmaking

o        auctions

o        delivery of goods

-          Medical

-          Web services in general

-          Wireless data communications    

-          Personal assistance

o        Calendars

-          Ubiqutious computing?

8          Relationship Between FIPA’s Technology and Other Related Technology


Semantic Web                           

Web Services                            




“Web Programming” e.g. Microsoft.NET


9          Summary



 [HeL1] Check this

 [HeL2] We need here good examples J

 [HeL3] simple example about informing something

 [HeL4] Do we need in this paper a list of specification, I think that we should have a more abstract discussion here.