Document title

Resolutions from the Helsinki Meeting, July 2002

Document number


Document source

Board of Directors

Document status


Date of this status

Date as: 2002/07/26

Change history


Initial draft


Resolutions of the 26th FIPA meeting in Helsinki, Finland
July 22nd-26th 2002.



1.        Board Resolutions

The Board acknowledges the resignation of Kogure-san, and thanks NTT and Kogure-san for the excellent work performed during his 3 years on the Board of FIPA.


The new board size will be 5 people; effective for next election process.


The general assembly will be held on Monday October 14th in Pensacola.


Reduce to 3 meetings, 3 days for 2 of them and 4 days for the one with an AGM once a year. The expected annual schedule is approximately January, May, October.


These meetings will not allow having a workshop and will focus on technical issues. The board recommends that TCs have interim meetings and make use of teleconferencing technology for more frequent interaction.


The Board approves the proposition to publish the FIPA specifications in a major edition house. A FIPA editorial board will be in charge of the realization of the book(s). The members of the editorial board are nominated by the Board.


The board appreciates the offer by the Japanese Standards Association to translate FIPA specification FIPA0001. The board will negotiate with the JSA over the terms of publishing the translation.



2.        Finances and Audit Committee

The finance and Audit committee checked the FIPA accounts. The 2001-2002 year was financially difficult with a loss of approximately 160KCH. This is partly due to FIPA supporting 3 meetings during the year (from June to June). The new Board will have to manage a tighter budget and save money on expenditures like meetings and publicity.



3.        FIPA approves the Secretariat’s report of the previous three months (f-out-00122).

FIPA requests that the secretariat remind all committee chairs to update their relevant sections of the FIPA website with current information.


4.        Resolutions of Technical Committees, Working Groups, and Special Interest Groups



TC AdHoc Resolutions


TC AdHoc proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions



Thanks to: Tadashi Araragi, Celeste Campo, Heikki Helin, Heimo Laamanen, Mikko Laukkanen, Santtu Toivonen, Michael Berger.



TC Semantics Resolutions


TC Semantics proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions

·         To adopt an approach based on Jones and Pitt’s semantic approach

·         To produce a white paper structured around requirements, philosophy and technology as soon as possible

·         To explore the potential for a content language that is coherent with the Jones and Pitt approach to semantic frameworks that also meets the requirements for efficient representation and utility in web services environments (in particular have a natural expression in XML)


Thanks to: David Levine, Jim Odell, Marian Nodine, Jeremy Pitt, Makoto Okada, Heimo Laamanen, Shaw Feng, Michael Kerstetter. Andrew Jones, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Frank McCabe


TC Ontology resolutions



Thanks to: Monique Calisti, Jonathan Dale, Heimo Lammanon, Stefan Poslad, Tadashi Araragi, Santta Toivonen, Patricia Charlton, Fabio Bellifemine, Hiroki Suguri  (apologies are offered to anyone whose name was omitted)


TC X2S resolutions


The X2S TC recommends FIPA to approve the following resolutions:

·         this decision can be reconsidered if, before the next FIPA meeting, X2S was made aware of any existing implementation or of any FIPA member still wishing to propose them to standard               


Thanks to all those people who have contributed to the meeting by sending comments or by actively participating to the discussion and, in particular, the editors of the documents: Jonathan Dale, Jim Odell, Misty Nodine, Heikki Helin.


TC Services


Thanks to: Monique Calisti, Patricia Charlton, Thierry Bouron, Margeret Lyell, Jonathan Dale, David Levine and all FIPA members.


Security WG resolutions

The FIPA Security WG proposes the following resolutions:

1. To progress with work on its new work-plan (f-wp-00011):

a. To complete and submit written input on the use of the encryption within the message transport specification to the X2S TC (following discussions with the X2S TC);

b. To develop ontologies / models / specifications for agent message integrity, agent message confidentiality and agent authentication and then circulate them to solicit comments from targeted individuals in the wider agent / security community;

c. To develop profiles for combinations of confidentiality, authentication and integrity models for different requirements;

d. To focus more of the work within the security WG on activities such as interim meetings outside of the main FIPA meetings;

e. To encourage the PISA project to submit it’s privacy framework as input into FIPA’s draft security related ontologies and policies and domains specifications.


That the following be thanked for their active input at this meeting: Farooq Ahmad, Tadashi Araragi, Monique Calisti, Patricia Charlton, Shaw Feng, Rune Gustavsson, Heikki Helin, Michael Kerstetter and Stefan Poslad.  (Apologies are offered to anyone whose name was omitted).


Image Committee  resolutions



     (due to by 15 August, 2002)

o        Meeting Report (Frank)

o        News in brief (J. Kelly)

o        Helsinki workshop report (Heimo)

o        TC Ad hoc report (Michael)

o        Technology overview: Service Description (Miriam, Patricia)

o        Member profiles:

o        Un. Of West Florida (Jeff Bradshaw), Comtec (Suguri)

o        Announcement corner (Jacquie/Monique): the FIPA Abstract Architecture will be translated in Japanese, the FIPA membership will have to vote for two directors of the board next October during the 27th FIPA meeting


     (due to by 15 November, 2002)




o        IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computing, Communications ACM

o        Software Focus, Wired, IEEE Spectrum

o        Business 2.0, Red Herring

o        AgentLink newsletter


Thanks to: Jonathan Dale, Bernard Burg, Thierry Bouron, Stefan Poslad, Michael Berger, Hiroki Suguri, Shaw Feng, Makoto Okada, Frank McCabe, Monique Calisti. Many thanks also to Jacquie Kelly for her remote and precious contribution.



5.        FIPA thanks the following individuals for participating in and making valuable contributions to the FIPA Workshop:




Professor Rune Gustavsson

Blekinge Institute of Technology (BIT), Ronneby, SWEDEN

Pekka Ala-siuru


Steven Willmott

EPFL, Lausanne

Kari Koivuniemi, Juha Ström

Minutor Oy, Tampere, Finland

Francis McCabe

Fujitsu Laboratories



6.        FIPA thanks Sonera Corporation for offering FIPA excellent meeting facilities and friendly support in Helsinki, Finland and for hosting its 26th meeting, in particular: Heikki Helin, Mikko Laukkanen, Olli Aalto, Marketta Milen, Riitta Koski, and Heimo Laamanen and the FIPA secretariat Jacquie Kelly


7.        FIPA invites its membership and contributors to the FIPA process to its 27th meeting, October 14th-18th, 2002 in Pensacola, Florida, to be hosted by IHMC.