Board of
Date of
this status
Date as:
of the 26th FIPA meeting in Helsinki, Finland
July 22nd-26th 2002.
Board Resolutions
The Board acknowledges the resignation of Kogure-san, and thanks NTT
and Kogure-san for the excellent work performed during his 3 years on the Board
of FIPA.
The new board size will be 5 people; effective for next election
The general assembly will be held on Monday October 14th
in Pensacola.
Reduce to 3 meetings, 3 days for 2 of them and 4 days for the one
with an AGM once a year. The expected annual schedule is approximately January,
May, October.
These meetings will not allow having a workshop and will focus on
technical issues. The board recommends that TCs have interim meetings and make
use of teleconferencing technology for more frequent interaction.
The Board approves the proposition to publish the FIPA
specifications in a major edition house. A FIPA editorial board will be in
charge of the realization of the book(s). The members of the editorial board
are nominated by the Board.
The board appreciates the offer by the Japanese Standards
Association to translate FIPA specification FIPA0001. The board will negotiate
with the JSA over the terms of publishing the translation.
Finances and Audit Committee
The finance and Audit committee checked the FIPA accounts. The
2001-2002 year was financially difficult with a loss of approximately 160KCH.
This is partly due to FIPA supporting 3 meetings during the year (from June to
June). The new Board will have to manage a tighter budget and save money on
expenditures like meetings and publicity.
FIPA approves the Secretariat’s report
of the previous three months (f-out-00122).
FIPA requests that the secretariat remind all committee chairs to
update their relevant sections of the FIPA website with current information.
Resolutions of Technical Committees,
Working Groups, and Special Interest Groups
TC AdHoc Resolutions
TC AdHoc proposes
that FIPA adopt the following resolutions
- Consideration of five identified architectural approaches for
service discovery. Decision for the DF plug-in solution (interface for
accessing ad-hoc and P2P implementations by the DF).
- Continuing to write the white paper about relevant technologies
for FIPA agents in mobile ad-hoc environments and possible solutions
(ad-hoc and P2P technology descriptions, interface definitions, other
important issues like security and profiles). Contribute to the white
paper over TC ad-hoc reflector.
- Draft a specification until FIPA27 which contains the decided
architectural approach and the interface to one of the underlaying P2P /
ad-hoc technologies. The interfaces to other P2P / ad-hoc technologies
will be done later based on that example in a library style.
Thanks to:
Tadashi Araragi, Celeste Campo, Heikki Helin, Heimo Laamanen, Mikko Laukkanen,
Santtu Toivonen, Michael Berger.
TC Semantics Resolutions
TC Semantics
proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions
To adopt an approach based on Jones
and Pitt’s semantic approach
To produce a white paper structured
around requirements, philosophy and technology as soon as possible
To explore the potential for a content
language that is coherent with the Jones and Pitt approach to semantic
frameworks that also meets the requirements for efficient representation and
utility in web services environments (in particular have a natural expression
in XML)
Thanks to: David Levine, Jim
Odell, Marian Nodine, Jeremy Pitt, Makoto Okada, Heimo Laamanen, Shaw Feng,
Michael Kerstetter. Andrew Jones, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Frank McCabe
TC Ontology resolutions
- White paper: Plan for updating and
completing white paper. Paper sent out and call for other contributions
has been made.
- Multiple reference of ontologies within content language: use
of standard URN solution has been proposed. Some current analysis will be
added to white paper.
- Upper ontology contributions to the white paper have been
accepted about ACL model, further contributions and discussions are being
requested via the white paper feasibility activity.
- DAML+OIL inputs approved: Creation of a repository to host the
files on the FIPA web site needs to be set up – a formal request to the
board that this is established.
- Send a call for other contributions for ontology models and
representations of the FIPA systems.
- FIPA agent ontology requirements planned to be submitted to
webont before next meeting.
Thanks to:
Monique Calisti, Jonathan Dale, Heimo Lammanon, Stefan Poslad, Tadashi Araragi,
Santta Toivonen, Patricia Charlton, Fabio Bellifemine, Hiroki Suguri (apologies are offered to anyone whose name
was omitted)
TC X2S resolutions
The X2S TC recommends FIPA to approve the following resolutions:
- recommend FIPA to publish the minutes of this X2S meeting, the
list of approved changes, and all the modified specifications in the
public X2S area of the FIPA Web site for review from the entire community.
All membership is invited to carefully consider and review all the
approved changes that, in some cases, breaks compatibility of the existing
- recommend FAB to produce a guideline document for maintenance
of the specifications and publish it on the public area of the Web site
(see for instance the doc. no. 61 and doc. no. 37)
- invite membership to collect information about implementations
and usage of the FIPA specifications
- considered that the formal semantics model of the cancel and
subscribe communicative acts has been now corrected, X2S recommends FIPA
to promote to experimental the specification no. 35, fipa-susbscribe
Interaction Protocol and to include that specification in the list of
documents to be proposed for standard on October
- the following specifications have been identified not to be
proposed for standard because they do not meet the X2S quality criteria:
this decision can be reconsidered if,
before the next FIPA meeting, X2S was made aware of any existing implementation
or of any FIPA member still wishing to propose them to standard
- recommend the promotion of document no. 14
to Informative document
- recommend FAB to approve the creation of a
new normative document that contains the subset of document no. 14 where
the QoS ontology is defined.
- recommend FIPA to register the name fipa
in the IETF/IANA name space. Steve Willmott will prepare all the necessary
documentation for such a registration to be done by FIPA next week (the
Thanks to all
those people who have contributed to the meeting by sending comments or by
actively participating to the discussion and, in particular, the editors of the
documents: Jonathan Dale, Jim Odell, Misty Nodine, Heikki Helin.
TC Services
- To analyse the input from Mitre and Fujitsu to provide
motivations for the service model
- Input from Fujitsu by 28th August
- To hold a teleconference call on 12th September (IBM to host
and detail)
- Finalise web service and agent service cross-modelling
- Prepare submission for AC.NET Web Services Working Group
meeting on 9th/10th September
Thanks to: Monique
Calisti, Patricia Charlton, Thierry Bouron, Margeret Lyell, Jonathan Dale,
David Levine and all FIPA members.
Security WG resolutions
The FIPA Security
WG proposes the following resolutions:
1. To progress
with work on its new work-plan (f-wp-00011):
a. To complete and
submit written input on the use of the encryption within the message transport
specification to the X2S TC (following discussions with the X2S TC);
b. To develop
ontologies / models / specifications for agent message integrity, agent message
confidentiality and agent authentication and then circulate them to solicit
comments from targeted individuals in the wider agent / security community;
c. To develop
profiles for combinations of confidentiality, authentication and integrity
models for different requirements;
d. To focus more
of the work within the security WG on activities such as interim meetings
outside of the main FIPA meetings;
e. To encourage
the PISA project to submit it’s privacy framework as input into FIPA’s draft
security related ontologies and policies and domains specifications.
That the
following be thanked for their active input at this meeting: Farooq Ahmad,
Tadashi Araragi, Monique Calisti, Patricia Charlton, Shaw Feng, Rune
Gustavsson, Heikki Helin, Michael Kerstetter and Stefan Poslad. (Apologies are offered to anyone whose name
was omitted).
Image Committee resolutions
- A more detailed summary (bunch of
slides) of the Image Committee discussion will be sent to the image
mailing list and to the FIPA secretariat (Responsible: Monique).
- The Image Committee aims to improve
the visibility of FIPA for enabling a better interaction with all the
members and with the external community. Several concrete initiatives have
been discussed in Helsinki:
- The Image Committee recommends a
“What is FIPA and how to contribute” short (and eventually partly in
parallel to the plenary) session to be held at the FIPA meetings in the
Monday mornings. This session should not run for more than 30-40 minutes
and the main goal is to enable new people to understand the FIPA
objectives, its structure, the current activity and how to contribute to
the standards. Action points:
- Bernard prepares the slides that
he would use for the short session.
- Monique submits a request to the
board to take the HOW TO session into account when organizing the next
meeting agenda.
- Publications of the FIPA Specs in
the form of books (in addition to the on-line files). Monique has
explored the possibility to do that in collaboration with Birkhauser (a
subsidiary of Springer and Verlag in Switzerland). A summary of the offer
will be sent to the board and the image committee asap. Several further
actions need to be undertaken:
- Ask Jacquie to explore at least
an alternative offer from another publisher.
- Clarify copyright and various
contractual issues reporting back to the board asap.
- Ask the board to create a FIPA
editorial board identifying the selection criteria (i.e., commitment,
familiarity with the specs, networking, contacts, etc.). The Image
Committee proposes the following three candidates: Jonathan Dale, Fabio
Bellifemine, Monique Calisti.
- The editorial board would be
responsible for supervising the whole process, interacting with the
selected publisher, inviting additional editors (for instance TC
chairs), putting together the specs and organizing them (by volumes for
instance), advertising the initiative and supporting the publisher for
the distribution of the publications.
- Eventually, an external person
would have to be hired for the formatting of the specs in the style
required for book publication. The editorial board would supervise this
- CD-ROM: in addition to the books
and to the online publication. To investigate also this channel (ask
Michael to explore this opportunity).
session on the FIPA Web site (Jacquie+ Image).
- Put together a one-page flyer for
massive distribution in order to attract new potential organizations
(Jacquie, Monique). Paper copy + e-mail distribution.
- The Image Committee discussed a
number of additional actions:
- For the 3 days meeting no workshop
will take place any more. Alternatively, it may be interesting to have an
invited speaker within specific TCs’ discussions (Jonathan).
- Strong need of putting in place a
mechanism for enabling people to share experience in agents applications
- To build a map of existing
business models and/or companies/groups or organizations making use of
agent technology (notice that this does not mean to have a library of
business cases, which would not be really feasible, but rather a list of
pointers and examples of application areas) (Thierry Bouron).
- Ensuiring the FIPA presence in
relevant contexts:
- FIPA award for AAMAS 2003
- Encourage membership to organize
workshops within AAMAS 2003
- FIPA award for a competition
within the Agentcities network context (Monique asks Steve)
- Make sure the FIPA presence in the
next EU 6th framework discussions and meetings.
- Collect input about which
Expressions of Interest have been supported by FIPA members (mail chat)
- Keep in mind: statistics about
FIPA references.
- FIPA Inform! newsletter:
- Collecting INPUT for the FIPA
Inform! Newsletter Vol. 3, Issue 3 in coordination with the FIPA
secretariat (Monique, Jacquie)
(due to by 15 August, 2002)
Meeting Report (Frank)
News in brief (J. Kelly)
Helsinki workshop report (Heimo)
TC Ad hoc report (Michael)
Technology overview: Service
Description (Miriam, Patricia)
Member profiles:
Un. Of West Florida (Jeff Bradshaw),
Comtec (Suguri)
Announcement corner (Jacquie/Monique):
the FIPA Abstract Architecture will be translated in Japanese, the FIPA
membership will have to vote for two directors of the board next October during
the 27th FIPA meeting
- Call for the next Newsletter:
circulate around the list of selected input – deadline post Helsinki
(due to by 15 November, 2002)
- Meeting Report (President)
- News in brief (J. Kelly)
- Pensacola workshop report (Jeff
- FIPA specs go STANDARD: tutorial
- Technology overview: Currents in
web semantic (Jonathan Dale)
- Member profiles:
- TILAB (Fabio), Un. Of Otago
(Stephen Cranfield)
- Announcement corner
(Jacquie/Monique): FIPA specs publication, new president, new directors
- Publication in a Japanese journal:
Suguri will write a paper about FIPA (October 2002). Ask Suguri to upload
the paper on the FIPA Web site when it will be available.
- Web Image:
- To improve the session HOW TO
- To complete the Image Committee
description page
- Solicit people to upload their
recent FIPA related publications (especially after AAMAS02).
- Circulate a list of relevant
initiatives (FIPA secretariat, Monique)
- 27th FIPA meeting, 14-18 October, Pensacola (Florida, US)
- PRIMA Japan, August 2002: distribution of the FIPA Inform!
- Agentcities public days, 9 -10 September in Lisboa (Portugal)
- How to ensure official FIPA presence? (Monique contacts
- CIA 2002, Cooperative Information Agents - Intelligent Agents
for the Internet and Web, 18-20 September, Madrid (Spain)
- First International workshop on Multiagent Interoperability,
17th September 2002, Aachen (Germany) (FIPA paper and presentation, M.
Berger, M. Calisti) (for more info:
- To encourage publishing papers
(including a “Vision paper”) about FIPA to related (technical) journals,
conferences. Target journals:
IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE
Computing, Communications ACM
Software Focus, Wired, IEEE Spectrum
Business 2.0, Red Herring
AgentLink newsletter
Thanks to:
Jonathan Dale, Bernard Burg, Thierry Bouron, Stefan Poslad, Michael Berger,
Hiroki Suguri, Shaw Feng, Makoto Okada, Frank McCabe, Monique Calisti. Many
thanks also to Jacquie Kelly for her remote and precious contribution.
FIPA thanks the following individuals
for participating in and making valuable contributions to the FIPA Workshop:
Institute of Technology (BIT), Ronneby, SWEDEN
Pekka Ala-siuru
Kari Koivuniemi, Juha Ström
Minutor Oy, Tampere, Finland
Francis McCabe
FIPA thanks Sonera Corporation for
offering FIPA excellent meeting facilities and friendly support in Helsinki,
Finland and for hosting its 26th meeting, in particular: Heikki Helin, Mikko Laukkanen, Olli Aalto,
Marketta Milen, Riitta Koski, and Heimo Laamanen and
the FIPA secretariat Jacquie Kelly
FIPA invites its membership and
contributors to the FIPA process to its 27th meeting, October 14th-18th,
2002 in Pensacola, Florida, to be hosted by IHMC.