Document title | FIPA Image Committee Report | ||
Document number | f-out-00086 | Document source | FIPA Image Committee |
Document status | Preliminary | Date of this status | 2001/04/06 |
Change history | |||
2001/04/06 | Initial draft |
The Image Committee met on three occasions to discuss, proposals and input from the Secretariat, Newsletter review and planning, and Image / Business strategy. The business studies are continuing online (; there are drafts for the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), financial, and early plans for a holonic manufacturing or supply chain study.
The presentation and documents will be considered by the FIPA Board and resolutions determined online.
i. FIPA section: Bake-off (Fabio Bellifemine)
ii. Meeting summary (auto)
iii. Boiler plate stuff (Rob Hadingham, Image)
iv. short announcements (all to Teresa Marsico)
v. Compliance/Conformance (Geoff Arnold, Leonardo Chiariglione, David Levine, friendly expert???)
vi. Workshop report (Jeremy Pitt /Jeff Bradshaw)
vii. Editorial (new layout, welcome, submission process, … - Rob Hadingham or volunteer)
viii. Tech profile: Holonic (Mihaela Ulieru), P2P (Donald Steiner– “P2P will eventually need FIPA”)
ix. Member profile: EPFL (Steve Willmott), Fujitsu (Frank McCabe, {Reserve list: Comtec, Imperial College, Otago (Martin Purvis)}
The following should be considered as ‘work-in-progress’ rather than resolutions per se. It was recognised that business studies and press releases were a ‘part solution’, so a roadmap was drafted along the following lines:
1. Target the business application standards initiatives in key commercial sectors
2. Business study – what FIPA can do for business domain X
3. Press / Journal engagement
4. Application Integration workshop (New York)
5. Consider hosting / sponsoring a Professional conference – with clear business angle
6. Create a FIPA compliance stamp / logo (levels of compliance)
a. Encourage perceived value to have/show this
b. ‘FIPA Outside’ compliance logo
c. Trademark
7. Appoint a full or half time Marketing / Press / Business
a. International presence?
b. Paul Obrien to talk to his journalist/press relations contact and email results on what to look for in such an appointment
c. Appointment should ‘pay for itself’ through improved membership and public perception / significance of FIPA
d. Donald Steiner to enquire in Silicon Valley (close to 3 board members) with a view to appointing such a person on a temporary contract. This resolution has tentative Board approval, subject to a suitable candidate being found at a suitable price
The Image Committee would like to offer special thanks to: Teresa Marsico (FIPA Secretariat), Menno Jonkers, and Paul Obrien. Thanks also to the active Image Committee members (Rob Hadingham {Chair}, Donald Steiner, Bernard Burg, Heimo Laamanen, Jonathan Dale, Hiroki Suguri), and Daniel De Luca (not present) for his written contributions.