Document title FIPA Image Committee Report
Document number f-out-00086 Document source FIPA Image Committee
Document status Preliminary Date of this status 2001/04/06
Change history
2001/04/06 Initial draft


Image Resolutions

The Image Committee met on three occasions to discuss, proposals and input from the Secretariat, Newsletter review and planning, and Image / Business strategy. The business studies are continuing online (; there are drafts for the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), financial, and early plans for a holonic manufacturing or supply chain study.


Secretariat Input Resolutions

The presentation and documents will be considered by the FIPA Board and resolutions determined online.


Newsletter Review and Planning Resolutions

  1. Add new LEAP article to Inform! 4.
  2. IKV++ to re-submit to Inform! 4 with FIPA context
  3. “Prepared by Image Committee” - Remove editorial team details.
  4. Send Inform! in advance of meeting.
  5. Mark review copy as draft.
  6. Add © FIPA 2001.
  7. Mention/use Secretariat for getting copies, layout, articles submitted, sending out review copies (PDFs) etc.
  8. Content / structure / assigning tasks: Image Committee responsibility
  9. Produce standard boiler plate for FIPA information
  10. 2 week deadline for submissions after FIPA mtg
  11. Standardised template for Inform!
    1. FIPA material 2 pages: Take summaries from each group within FIPA, workshop summary, Summary of meeting highlights, Next meeting announcements, editorial, boiler plate, liaisons, very short stories (e.g. xxx project starts, yyy company launches zzz)
    2. Technology profile 1 page – 1/3 what FIPA provides, who is doing it (1 paragraph each with URL’s)
    3. Member profile(s) 1 page: academic & commercial
  12. Consider production of an Annual report (could include financial stuff)
  13. Secretariat to explore stationery options (business cards, presentation packs, press kits, newsletters, CD label & packing, etc.)
  14. CD containing specs and software under consideration.
  15. Aquire commitments for Inform! 5:
    1. The is your point of contact for admin, for content related issues.
    2. The following arrangements for Inform! 5 have been proposed:

                                                               i.      FIPA section: Bake-off (Fabio Bellifemine)

                                                             ii.      Meeting summary (auto)

                                                            iii.      Boiler plate stuff (Rob Hadingham, Image)

                                                           iv.      short announcements (all to Teresa Marsico)

                                                             v.      Compliance/Conformance (Geoff Arnold, Leonardo Chiariglione, David Levine, friendly expert???)

                                                           vi.      Workshop report (Jeremy Pitt /Jeff Bradshaw)

                                                          vii.      Editorial (new layout, welcome, submission process, … - Rob Hadingham or volunteer)

                                                        viii.      Tech profile: Holonic (Mihaela Ulieru), P2P (Donald Steiner– “P2P will eventually need FIPA”)

                                                           ix.      Member profile: EPFL (Steve Willmott), Fujitsu (Frank McCabe, {Reserve list: Comtec, Imperial College, Otago (Martin Purvis)}


Image/Business Strategy Resolutions

The following should be considered as ‘work-in-progress’ rather than resolutions per se. It was recognised that business studies and press releases were a ‘part solution’, so a roadmap was drafted along the following lines:

1.      Target the business application standards initiatives in key commercial sectors

2.      Business study – what FIPA can do for business domain X

3.      Press / Journal engagement

4.      Application Integration workshop (New York)

5.      Consider hosting / sponsoring a Professional conference – with clear business angle

6.      Create a FIPA compliance stamp / logo (levels of compliance)

a.       Encourage perceived value to have/show this

b.      ‘FIPA Outside’ compliance logo

c.       Trademark

7.      Appoint a full or half time Marketing / Press / Business

a.       International presence?

b.      Paul Obrien to talk to his journalist/press relations contact and email results on what to look for in such an appointment

c.       Appointment should ‘pay for itself’ through improved membership and public perception / significance of FIPA

d.      Donald Steiner to enquire in Silicon Valley (close to 3 board members) with a view to appointing such a person on a temporary contract. This resolution has tentative Board approval, subject to a suitable candidate being found at a suitable price


The Image Committee would like to offer special thanks to: Teresa Marsico (FIPA Secretariat), Menno Jonkers, and Paul Obrien. Thanks also to the active Image Committee members (Rob Hadingham {Chair}, Donald Steiner, Bernard Burg, Heimo Laamanen, Jonathan Dale, Hiroki Suguri), and Daniel De Luca (not present) for his written contributions.