Towards an abstract architecture of Agent Management


Draft, edited by Bernard Burg


1          An objective for the work plan

The first objective of this workplan is to provide a feedback to the Abstract Architecture Technical Committee, in the form of an input paper,  so as  to allow the abstraction of the Agent Management Specifications, by using the profiles and components of the Agent Management specification. 


The second objective is to take advantage of the same input paper  in the Agent Configuration Management workplan.


Input paper to TC B and TC A.

1.1          Technology

1.2          Functionality

 Provide a unified Agent Management interface to ACL.

2          The specification generated by this work plan

An input for the Abstract Architecture specification.

3          The plan to accomplish the work

·         Before 3 April 00

·         Position the TC A / B specifications

·         Analysis of documents and suggestions to TC A

·         Redaction of an input paper to TC A.

4          A vision for future work in this or related areas

This work aims to provide convergent in the FIPA specifications and to introduce ACL based management into the Abstract Architecture.  This workplan will go dormant in April 2000, and provides input papers for the Abstract Architecture as well as for the Agent configuration Management. 

5          An analysis of dependencies on other FIPA work plans, external standards work, industry events, and other factors

The following dependencies have been identified (so far):


1.                    FIPA architecture specification

2.                    Agent Configuration Management Workplan


6          A list of FIPA members and other organizations supporting the plan, together with their degree of commitment.

Imperial College,   Stefan Poslad                        Committed

Fujitsu,                                   Jonathan Dale                       Committed

Motorola,                              Bernard Burg                        Committed

Nortel Networks                   Phil Buckle                            Committed

NTT,                                       Kiyoshi Kogure                    Committed

Toshiba                                 TakahiroKawamura           Committed

EPFL                                       Steven Willmott                   Committed