List of symbols defined in SL specs 0008H:

-           fipa-sl  -> token that identifies the SL content language

o         not

o         and

o         or

o         implies

o         equiv

o         true

o         false

o         =

o         result

o         forall

o         exists

o         B

o         U

o         PG

o         I

o         feasible

o         done

o         iota

o         any

o         all

o         action

o         |

o         ;

o         sequence

o         set

-           fipa-sl0

o         true

o         false

o         result

o         done

o         action

o         sequence

o         set

-           fipa-sl1  -> token that identifies the SL1 content language

o         not

o         and

o         or

o         true

o         false

o         result

o         done

o         action

o         sequence

o         set

-           fipa-sl2  -> token that identifies the SL2 content language (!notice exactly the same of fipa-sl!)

o         not

o         and

o         or

o         implies

o         equiv

o         true

o         false

o         =

o         result

o         forall

o         exists

o         B

o         U

o         PG

o         I

o         feasible

o         done

o         iota

o         any

o         all

o         action

o         |

o         ;

o         sequence

o         set


List of symbols defined in Fipa-Agent-Management specs [23I]

-           fipa-agent-management -> name of the ontology

o         agent-identifier   -> name of the concept representing an agent-identifier

-           name

·          df@hap_name -> name of DF

·          ams@hap_name -> name of AMS

-           addresses

-           resolvers

o         df-agent-description

-           name

-           services

-           protocols

-           ontologies

·          fipa-agent-management

-           languages

·          fipa-sl

·          fipa-sl0

·          fipa-sl1

·          fipa-sl2

-           lease-time

o         service-description

-           name

-           type

·          fipa-df

·          fipa-ams

-           protocols

-           ontologies

·          fipa-agent-management

-           languages

-           ownership

-           properties

o         search-constraints

-           max-depth

-           max-results

-           search-id

o         ams-agent-description

-           name

-           ownership

-           state

·          initiated

·          active

·          suspended

·          waiting

·          transit

o         ap-description

-           name

-           ap-services

o         ap-service

-           name

-           type

·          fipa.mtp.*

-           addresses

o         property

-           name

-           value

o         register -> name of the function representing a register

o         deregister

o         modify

o         search

o         get-description

o         unsupported-act -> name of the predicate representing the exception

o         unexpected-act

o         unsupported-value

o         unrecognised-value

o         unauthorised

o         unsupported-function

o         missing-argument

o         unexpected-argument

o         unexpected-argument-count

o         missing-parameter

o         unexpected-parameter

o         unrecognised-parameter-value

o         already-registered

o         not-registered

o         internal-error


List of symbols defined in FIPA00026-30; FIPA00033-36

-           fipa-request 

-           fipa-query    

-           fipa-request-when

-           fipa-contract-net

-           fipa-iterated-contract-net

-           fipa-brokering

-           fipa-recruiting

-           fipa-subscribe

-           fipa-propose


List of symbols defined in ACL FIPA00037

-           accept-proposal

-           agree

-           cancel

-           cfp

-           confirm

-           disconfirm

-           failure

-           inform

-           inform-if

-           inform-ref

-           not-understood

-           propagate

-           propose

-           proxy

-           query-if

-           query-ref

-           refuse

-           reject-proposal

-           request

-           request-when

-           request-whenever

-           subscribe


List of symbols defined in FIPA00061

-           FIPA-ACL   => name of the ontology that represents an ACLMessage

-           FIPA-ACL-Message           => name of the frame that represents an ACLMessage

o         performative

o         sender

o         receiver

o         reply-to

o         content

o         language

o         encoding

o         ontology

o         protocol

o         conversation-id

o         reply-with

o         in-reply-to

o         reply-by


List of symbols defined in FIPA00067

-           fipa-agent-management => the name of the ontology

o         envelope

-           to

-           from

-           comments

-           acl-representation

·          fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std

·          fipa.acl.rep.string.std

·          fipa.acl.rep.xml.std

-           payload-length

-           payload-encoding

·           US-ASCII

·           ISO-8859-1

·           ...

·           ISO-8859-9

·           UTF-8

·           Shift_JIS

·           EUC-JP

·           ISO-2022-JP

·          ISO-2022-JP-2

-           date

-           intended-receiver

-           received

-           transport-behaviour

o         received-object

-           by

-           from

-           date

-           id

-           via

·          fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std

·          fipa.mts.mtp.http.std


List of symbols defined in [FIPA00069] ACL bit-efficient

-           fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std


List of symbols defined in [FIPA00070] ACL in String encoding

-           fipa.acl.rep.string.std


o         :sender

o         :receiver

o         :reply-to

o         :content

o         :language

o         :encoding

o         :ontology

o         :protocol

o         :conversation-id

o         :reply-with

o         :in-reply-to

o         :reply-by


List of symbols defined in [FIPA00071] ACL in XML encoding

-           fipa.acl.rep.xml.std 

-           + several symbols in the DTD (can we just point to the urn?)



List of symbols defined in [FIPA00075] IIOP

-           fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std


List of symbols defined in [FIPA00084] HTTP

-           fipa.mts.mtp.http.std


List of symbols defined in [FIPA00085] Envelope in XML

-           fipa.mts.env.rep.xml.std

-           + several symbols in the DTD (can we just point to the urn?)


List of symbols defined in [FIPA00088] Envelope in bit-efficient

-           fipa.mts.env.rep.bitefficient.std


List of symbols defined in QoS spec 00094

-           fipa-qos -> name of the ontology

o         qos

-           line-rate

-           throughput

-           throughput-std-dev

-           rtt

-           rtt-std-dev

-           delay

-           delay-std-dev

-           mean-up-time

-           omission-rate

-           ber

-           frame-error-rate

-           conn-setup-delay

-           conn-setup-failure-prob

-           status

·          connected

·          disconnected

·          connecting

o         rate-value

-           direction

·          inbound

·          outbound

-           unit

·          gbits/s

·          mbits/s

·          kbits/s

·          bits/s

-           value

o         time-value

-           direction

·          inbound

·          outbound

-           unit

·          h

·          m

·          s

·          ms

-           value

o         probability-value

-           direction

·          inbound

·          outbound

-           value

o         time-type

-           value

·          every

·          after

o         comm-channel

-           name

-           target-addr

-           options

o         transport-protocol

-           name

-           gw-addr

-           dest-addr

-           options

o         property

-           name

-           value

o         qos-information

o         qos-match

o         time-constraint

o         unsupported-act

o         unexpected-act

o         unrecognised-value

o         unauthorised

o         unsupported-function

o         missing-argument

o         unexpected-argument

o         unexpected-argument-count

o         missing-parameter

o         unexpected-parameter

o         unrecognised-parameter-value

o         unrecognised-comm-channel

o         unsupported-protocol

o         internal-error







-           fipa

o         acl

-           performative  (default name space is fipa.acl.performative)

·          accept-proposal

·          agree

·          cancel

·          cfp

·          confirm

·          disconfirm

·          failure

·          inform

·          inform-if

·          inform-ref

·          not-understood

·          propagate

·          propose

·          proxy

·          query-if

·          query-ref

·          refuse

·          reject-proposal

·          request

·          request-when

·          request-whenever

·          subscribe

-           sender

-           receiver

-           reply-to

-           content  (the default name space is given by the language + the ontology)

-           language

·          fipa-sl 

-           not

-           and

-           or

-           implies

-           equiv

-           true

-           false

-           =

-           result

-           forall

-           exists

-           B

-           U

-           PG

-           I

-           feasible

-           done

-           iota

-           any

-           all

-           action

-           |

-           ;

-           sequence

-           set

·          fipa-sl0

-           true

-           false

-           result

-           done

-           action

-           sequence

-           set

·          fipa-sl1  -> token that identifies the SL1 content language

-           not

-           and

-           or

-           true

-           false

-           result

-           done

-           action

-           sequence

-           set

·          fipa-sl2 > token that identifies the SL2 content language (!notice exactly the same of fipa-sl!)

-           not

-           and

-           or

-           implies

-           equiv

-           true

-           false

-           =

-           result

-           forall

-           exists

-           B

-           U

-           PG

-           I

-           feasible

-           done

-           iota

-           any

-           all

-           action

-           |

-           ;

-           sequence

-           set

-           encoding  (this is the content language encoding)

-           ontology

-           fipa-agent-management -> name of the ontology

o        object  

-           agent-identifier   -> name of the concept representing an agent-identifier

§          name

·          df@hap_name -> name of DF

·          ams@hap_name -> name of AMS

§          addresses

§          resolvers

-           df-agent-description

§          name

§          services

§          protocols

§          ontologies

§          languages

§          lease-time

-           service-description

§          name

§          type

·          fipa-df

·          fipa-ams

§          protocols

§          ontologies

§          languages

§          ownership

§          properties

-           search-constraints

§          max-depth

§          max-results

§          search-id

-           ams-agent-description

§          name

§          ownership

§          state

·          initiated

·          active

·          suspended

·          waiting

·          transit

-           ap-description

§          name

§          ap-services

-           ap-service

§          name

§          type

·          fipa.mtp.*

§          addresses

-           property

§          name

§          value

-           envelope

§          to

§          from

§          comments

§          acl-representation

·          bitefficient

·          string

·          xml

§          payload-length

§          payload-encoding

·           US-ASCII

·           ISO-8859-1

·           ...

·           ISO-8859-9

·           UTF-8

·           Shift_JIS

·           EUC-JP

·           ISO-2022-JP

·          ISO-2022-JP-2

§          date

§          intended-receiver

§          received

§          transport-behaviour

-           received-object

§          by

§          from

§          date

§          id

§          via

·          fipa.mts.protocol.iiop

·          fipa.mts.protocol..http

o        action

-           register -> name of the function representing a register

-           deregister

-           modify

-           search

-           get-description

o        predicate

-           not-understood-exception

§          unsupported-act -> name of the predicate representing the exception

§          unexpected-act

§          unsupported-value

§          unrecognised-value

-           refusal-exception

§          unauthorised

§          unsupported-function

§          missing-argument

§          unexpected-argument

§          unexpected-argument-count

§          missing-parameter

§          unexpected-parameter

§          unrecognised-parameter-value

-           failure-exception

§          already-registered

§          not-registered

§          internal-error

-           fipa-qos -> name of the ontology

§          objects

§          qos

-           line-rate

-           throughput

-           throughput-std-dev

-           rtt

-           rtt-std-dev

-           delay

-           delay-std-dev

-           mean-up-time

-           omission-rate

-           ber

-           frame-error-rate

-           conn-setup-delay

-           conn-setup-failure-prob

-           status

·          connected

·          disconnected

·          connecting

o        rate-value

-           direction

·          inbound

·          outbound

-           unit

·          gbits/s

·          mbits/s

·          kbits/s

·          bits/s

-           value

o        time-value

-           direction

·          inbound

·          outbound

-           unit

·          h

·          m

·          s

·          ms

-           value

o        probability-value

-           direction

·          inbound

·          outbound

-           value

o        time-type

-           value

·          every

·          after

o        comm-channel

-           name

-           target-addr

-           options

o        transport-protocol

-           name

-           gw-addr

-           dest-addr

-           options

o        property

-           name

-           value

o         predicates

·          qos-information

·          qos-match

·          time-constraint

·          unsupported-act

·          unexpected-act

·          unrecognised-value

·          unauthorised

·          unsupported-function

·          missing-argument

·          unexpected-argument

·          unexpected-argument-count

·          missing-parameter

·          unexpected-parameter

·          unrecognised-parameter-value

·          unrecognised-comm-channel

·          unsupported-protocol

·          internal-error


-           protocol

·          fipa-request 

·          fipa-query    

·          fipa-request-when

·          fipa-contract-net

·          fipa-iterated-contract-net

·          fipa-brokering

·          fipa-recruiting

·          fipa-subscribe

·          fipa-propose

-           conversation-id

-           reply-with

-           in-reply-to

-           reply-by

o         mts

-           protocol

·          iiop

·          http

-           encoding (this is the envelope encoding)

·          XML

·          IDL

·          bit-efficient